We offer training packages on various topics relating to the principles of operation, use and maintenance of electric motors. Courses can be organised at our premises or at your ONES, in Italian language. 


  • Tailor made courses to suit your applications, so that they are more effective for the use you make of our motors.
  • When held at our premises, we complete our courses with visits to our production departments where you can try out what you have learned in the theorical sessions.
  • When held at your premises, we can extend the value of the theorical sessions with specific evaluations directly on your equipment/machines. 
Contact us for more information

Industria Scientifica Generale Elettromeccanica Vicenza (I.S.G.E.V.) S.p.A.
Reg. Cap. € 520.000 fully paid up
REA 87642/VI
Reg. Imp. Vicenza n. 3803
No VAT: 00170430243

Web Agency Verona - Colombo 3000 srl